Thursday, April 19, 2012

Is it just me or....

Does it seem like a lot of people are going through a lot of "junk" in their lives lately? Job losses, cheating spouses, sick (I mean, really sick) babies, health concerns, accidents, death of family members......I saw someone from high school had a FB post that went something like this: "I'm going through some crap in my life right now. From other people's statuses, I know some of you guys are too. If you are, please comment with your name on my post and I will pray for you. In turn, please pray for all the names you see listed." I thought that was cool. And also sad. What's the world coming to?

I'm not trying to be mysterious. Things in the Heimann household are just fine. Wish that were true all over.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

This and that...

Nothing too big to blog about tonight, but a few updates...

I am having a "surprise" 30th birthday party for Josh tomorrow night. He either knows or highly suspects but is kindly playing along. Can you tell I have no fear of him ever reading my blog?? Haha. Love that guy. 30! He was 20 when we started dating. Are we possibly getting old?? We are actually celebrating over the course of the whole Fri, then kids are going to MeeMaw's Sat-Sun so we can go to a wedding. Should be soooo fun, can't wait.

Kingsley arm is doing much better, though she still cries when I get her dressed or take off or put on a coat. :( Still keeping an eye on this.

Her hair is getting longer every day. She looks a bit scruffy, to be honest. But man, those 30 minutes that she will tolerate her hair in pigtails?? She's SOOOO CUTE!!! The first time that Grady saw, he laughed and said, "Mommy! Why does sissy have antlers???" That made me laugh. Love seeing things through his eyes.

Speaking of little Grady, he has his first school field trip tomorrow. He will have so much fun but I'm apprehensive! I wish I could go along. :( He's super excited about the whole riding on the bus part. ;)

I am doing well! I ran 8 miles today....getting ready for Dam to Dam. (Yes, Liz...I'm gonna do it.) Feels great. And I just got this super tight dress to wear to the aforementioned wedding, so that 8 will help me feel confident in it...:)

I'm sooo tired! Miss Kingsley has been getting me up every night for the past several. She's even fussing every 15 minutes or so now in her sleep. Not sure if it's her cold, or teeth, or she just knows how to work me? (Maybe all of the above?) She loves to pick the times that I'm extra busy and then keep me up all the time......grrrr.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Kingsley - Part II

I left you guys hanging, didn't I?? I will continue my story. (Sidenote: Clare, I laughed when I saw your post. I DID that with Miss Kingsley, with a Reeses mini cup this morning. I told her she could have it but only if she took it with the right hand. No go, lots of crying, that's when I scheduled the appt. in the first place. And gave her the Reeses, of course. I'm not a monster.)

The short version? It looks like it's just a sprain and some good bruising. She's still not using that arm but isn't holding it as gingerly as she was this morning. Read on if you want the longer version. :)

We took Miss Kingsley to the doctor today at 2:45. Josh, Grady, Kingsley and myself made it a family affair and went in. I knew we'd likely be there for awhile and brought lots of snacks, an orange pop, and suckers, not to mention toys and books. And I needed everything to keep those little ones entertained and not ripping the place apart. First we met with our regular family doc....he examined Miss Kingsley head to toe, and his concern landed on her right shoulder and elbow. (There was already bruising on her back, but that's to be expected.) She didn't want to use it, let him do some range of motion things but yelped when he bent the elbow downward and wouldn't lift it at all. He said he was hoping it was just a sprain/bruising but we would need XRays to be sure.

She was good in XRays. Until she had to be put on the table. That was NOT ok.

Our doc examined the XRays and said he thought things looked ok but a radiologist would still look them over and let us know if he caught something else. Also, he said that if she still wasn't using it in 2 or so days, we would to revisit. At that point, she would likely need some sort of immobilization to keep it still. I guess with this type of thing in this age, they do a thick plaster cast's not as heavy as a cast but it's something they actually put on so the child doesn't mess with it. That would be on a week or so. So we're not out of the woods yet. Kingsley keeps saying, "Mommy, I hurt." :( Hopefully she'll be like new in the morning! :)

I just read an old friend's blog post last night about her new daughter Lia, born March 26th, with two holes in her heart. :( I feel silly even updating this about Kingsley's little tumble. Hearing about other's misfortunes/illness/struggles certainly does put things into perspective, huh? So prayers for little Lia tonight and her Mommy and Daddy.

Poor Kings!

Poor Kings!! This morning we were in TJ Maxx and she was getting a nice little shopping cart ride. She stood up once and I told her to sit down, which she did. Little while later, she stood up again and went to sit on the side of the cart, missed and tumbled right out. :( She landed on her butt/back. I thought she was ok....bruised, sore, but overall ok but as the day has progressed, I have noticed her not using her right arm. I didn't even think that she fell on that? And she keeps saying, "Mommy, hurt." :( Poor little punkin. We're off to see our family doc this afternoon. Hopefully it's nothing but I want his stamp of approval. I will keep you posted!