Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hi there!

It's been forever since I blogged last! I'm not sitting in front of the computer every day so I don't think about it as much. Happy summer break! Mine started out busy with a couple of weeks of workshops at UNI. And a 20k. And a roof. No big deal. But now I'm officially ready to enjoy the sunshine!

I guess I'll blog a bit about each of those things, since clearly that's what we have been up to. The workshops were good...I am teaching a class called Cornerstone at UNI this fall. It's College Reading and Research and Oral Communication combined, along with civil awareness and study skills. It should be interesting! I will be curious to see how the students react. And how I react. It's worth 6 credits over the course of two semesters, and I have two sections of it, so it's quite a commitment. But to be honest, the English nerd in me is drooling a little bit.

The 20k was awesome. (That's 12.4 miles, in case you aren't British. Or whomever uses kilometers.) My summer goal was a 10k, which I will be running in Sept. This was a crazy whim. And it was great. Sooooo glad I did it. Our time was 2:10, and in the future (yes, I said future) I would like to be under 2. Josh has started running with me too, we just did 4 yesterday together. LOVE THAT!!!

We also roofed my grandma's house this past weekend. Oof. Nothing like pushing your body waaaaaay beyond what it's comfortable with two weekends in a row! And it was hot. 93. No shade. I was fine but both Josh and Jeff got sick from the heat. Oh yeah, we had Jeff, Mark, and our friend Luke helping too. (Sounds like a Biblical crowd, doesn't it?! We were just lacking a Matthew and a John.) :) Thank goodness, because there was no way we could have done that thing in 3 days without them!! It was kind of fun, in that torture type of way, but glad it's over!!

Grady and Kingsley have been so much fun already this summer. Having a 4 year old and a 2 year old is EASY compared to past summers! Kingsley is still in diapers (interested in potty training while I was in that I'm home full time, can't get her to pee on that princess potty for nothing!) and she naps, but man. Life is good! This weekend we are taking them to Des Moines and doing the Science Center and the zoo, as well as hotel/pool stuff. I am leaving the pack and play at home. Might regret that one, hopefully not. :)

Currently I'm reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and near the end, so I'm going to go and try to finish that up. Then it's laundry, supper (grilled steak salads), sweeping, the usual. Have a great day! :)