Ok. This is a little gross, but this happened over two weeks ago and I STILL giggle when I think of it. So I'm going to blog about it so I can reminice on it later as well. (I have the memory of a goldfish. This IS necessary!)
So the other day Josh, Grady and I were snuggling on the couch. I had to pass gas (sorry!) and did so, not really thinking about how my rear was near Grady's, well, face. Hahahaha I'm laughing right now. Anyway, he shoots straight up from his lounging position and has the worst look on his face and says, "whweohoiwthYUCK!!! MMMMommy! Something smells y--y--y--yucky!!" I fell off the couch laughing. He didn't really get it but was soon laughing with me anyway. Josh was looking at both of us like we were just crazy. :) Love it.
a totally necessary post.