Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pre Pre-school. (Yes, it makes sense.)

Hi blogging world,

Yup, it's me again. The most inconsistent blogger ever.  (Well, probably not ever.)  I just posted this on FB and wanted it HERE as well so I could remember it.  It's part of a conversation that Grady and Kingsley had as I was getting supper ready after her preschool orientation night.  Here you go:

"Now Kinglsey. There are going to be a LOT of other kids there. And they are going to take the toys that you are playing with. Don't get mad, just say, "I was playing with that. Could I have it back please?" And if they don't give it back, say it again. And they are going to want you to write your name. Don't feel bad if you can't right away. You'll get it. You are going to have so much fun." 

How cute is that?!  Today he was reminding her of what to say to get toys back..I feel like that is a big issue in his life.  :)

Here's some pics from our house (homemade popcicles!) and a recent trip to Minneapolis with my family.  Enjoy!  

First day pics to come!  G starts tomorrow and K will be on Friday.  Have a great day!

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